Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where has the Time Gone?


If I was in the NBA, I'd have to be on Portland, cause it seems like I spend all of my time Trail Blazing. For a young buck, I have seen a lot of sights, made a ton of friends and even kissed my share of babies. Just in the past two months - or 67% of my life - I've played host to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends from close as well as afar and a messload of animals. I've lived in 3 residences (brilliant coordination daddio), unveiled myself in fine fashion in Chicago after napping like a champ for the duration of a two hour flight (both ways), been to a concert, tennis tourney, and witnessed dining at a number of fine establishments. That's right - I'm taking the world by storm.

As you might imagine, keeping such a busy schedule makes it difficult to sleep. I'm either overwhelmed with joy from the previous day's adventures, or bubbling with excitement for what the next day will bring. Mom and dad used to think my lack of night-time snoozing was charming or endearing. Now they prefer not to talk about it. Anyways, I'm pledging to right the ship, and I'm certainly amenable to any outsider suggestions on how I can slip into the age appropriate column.

Speaking of which, time to sign out and pretend to stare at the back of my eyelids. Until next time.


Words from a fellow pacificst:
"An unjust peace is better than a just war"