Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hello Fans!

Greetings Friends and Family,

Well, it's been about 5 significant developmental milestones since I posted an update. Certainly not a great way to keep my fan base engaged. I must improve on communicating with my admirers. But in the meantime, how about a list of stuff I am able to do:

-Sit up (with perfect posture) for at least 5 consecutive hours (mind you I do not wear a watch so time is a baby estimate)
-Dance - compliments of my Jumperoo
-Sleep for half of the night. While you might not consider that impressive, my parents are ecstatic with the progress I am making)
-Pet my dogs
-Play with kids at daycare
-Love generously and unconditionally
-Bear Weight
-Roll over in both directions
-Nearly crawl

I might also add that I am a seasoned traveler. I have a 100% success rate on travel via car and plane and have received an incredible amount of compliments from fellow travelers.

I am also very modest.

For those who are interested, I will be on tour in Chicago for Christmas. Please note: When I travel, I require a massive amount of luggage; therefore, if you are planning on smothering me with gifts, please order them online and have them delivered to my Denver address.

Lastly, I have ordered an inordinate amount of holiday cards with my smiling face on the front. If you would wish to have one, please email me your address at, and I will take care of the rest.
