Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hello Fans!

Greetings Friends and Family,

Well, it's been about 5 significant developmental milestones since I posted an update. Certainly not a great way to keep my fan base engaged. I must improve on communicating with my admirers. But in the meantime, how about a list of stuff I am able to do:

-Sit up (with perfect posture) for at least 5 consecutive hours (mind you I do not wear a watch so time is a baby estimate)
-Dance - compliments of my Jumperoo
-Sleep for half of the night. While you might not consider that impressive, my parents are ecstatic with the progress I am making)
-Pet my dogs
-Play with kids at daycare
-Love generously and unconditionally
-Bear Weight
-Roll over in both directions
-Nearly crawl

I might also add that I am a seasoned traveler. I have a 100% success rate on travel via car and plane and have received an incredible amount of compliments from fellow travelers.

I am also very modest.

For those who are interested, I will be on tour in Chicago for Christmas. Please note: When I travel, I require a massive amount of luggage; therefore, if you are planning on smothering me with gifts, please order them online and have them delivered to my Denver address.

Lastly, I have ordered an inordinate amount of holiday cards with my smiling face on the front. If you would wish to have one, please email me your address at, and I will take care of the rest.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where has the Time Gone?


If I was in the NBA, I'd have to be on Portland, cause it seems like I spend all of my time Trail Blazing. For a young buck, I have seen a lot of sights, made a ton of friends and even kissed my share of babies. Just in the past two months - or 67% of my life - I've played host to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends from close as well as afar and a messload of animals. I've lived in 3 residences (brilliant coordination daddio), unveiled myself in fine fashion in Chicago after napping like a champ for the duration of a two hour flight (both ways), been to a concert, tennis tourney, and witnessed dining at a number of fine establishments. That's right - I'm taking the world by storm.

As you might imagine, keeping such a busy schedule makes it difficult to sleep. I'm either overwhelmed with joy from the previous day's adventures, or bubbling with excitement for what the next day will bring. Mom and dad used to think my lack of night-time snoozing was charming or endearing. Now they prefer not to talk about it. Anyways, I'm pledging to right the ship, and I'm certainly amenable to any outsider suggestions on how I can slip into the age appropriate column.

Speaking of which, time to sign out and pretend to stare at the back of my eyelids. Until next time.


Words from a fellow pacificst:
"An unjust peace is better than a just war"

Monday, May 17, 2010

36 Days In and Loving It!

Hey Folks,

I've been away from the keyboard for a bit and for that - I apologize. I don't seem to have as much free time as I would like, with my worry wart folks always around. Regardless, I'll try to get on a better schedule.

The last few weeks have been full of firsts. I've had my aunties and uncles from Boston, New York and Chicago stop by; boatloads of local friends have paid a visit to your's truly; I've been cruising around Denver on almost a daily basis; and I have received all kinds of wonderful gifts. I have to say - I'm living the good life.

This coming week is looking fairly busy as well. I'll be getting spoiled by my grandma and grandpa Palmer tomorrow, heading to a ball game later in the week and I've got naps lined up til the cows come home.

I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to many more fun happenings in the weeks to come. Until then - toodaloo!

Maisy S. Shaker

I can live for two months on a good compliment - Mark Twain

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is This Thing On?

You'll have to bear with me folks, cause I'm new to this. I've been searching for a forum to share my thoughts, feelings and pictures directly to my fans, and without the interference of a third party. And if you hate being misrepresented as much as I do - you'll understand how frustrating the past six days have been.

So here it is, my first blog. I will do my best to keep it fresh and enlightening, and I certainly appreciate feedback from my growing list of admirers. Enjoy! -MSS

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave - Ghandi