Monday, May 17, 2010

36 Days In and Loving It!

Hey Folks,

I've been away from the keyboard for a bit and for that - I apologize. I don't seem to have as much free time as I would like, with my worry wart folks always around. Regardless, I'll try to get on a better schedule.

The last few weeks have been full of firsts. I've had my aunties and uncles from Boston, New York and Chicago stop by; boatloads of local friends have paid a visit to your's truly; I've been cruising around Denver on almost a daily basis; and I have received all kinds of wonderful gifts. I have to say - I'm living the good life.

This coming week is looking fairly busy as well. I'll be getting spoiled by my grandma and grandpa Palmer tomorrow, heading to a ball game later in the week and I've got naps lined up til the cows come home.

I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to many more fun happenings in the weeks to come. Until then - toodaloo!

Maisy S. Shaker

I can live for two months on a good compliment - Mark Twain

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